Monday, September 27, 2010

This is a Spinal Tap

 I don't know who is more nervous my wife or me . My dear wife Paula is scheduled to have a spinal tap done later today. We both are nervous though she finally did manage to get to sleep I did not. I have looked at you tube videos ,gone over different sites about what a spinal tap is and what to do after she has had one. To tell the truth it looks pretty painless from what I can tell from the videos. The hard part is going to be getting Paula to lay flat on her back for 24 hours so nothing gets infected or damaged. For as long as I have known Paula she has always been kind of get up and go kind of person. Even when she has days off from work she practically refuses to sleep in! Oh well I hope the angels are watching over us for the next few days at least we will need as much help as we can get.