Sunday, November 29, 2009

Black Friday

For those of you that do not know Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving. For the longest time I thought it was something to due with religon. Anyway it is known as Black Friday because the day after Thanksgiving is when all the Christmas Specials start here in the USA. Stores open earlier than usual and stay open later than usual . Well I myself never witnessed first hand when the stores open their doors but I have seen videos of that "event" and it is not a pretty sight. In fact last year a person was trampled to death at a WalMart because of all the chaos.  I enjoy getting and giveing gifts at Christmas just as much as the next person. However that is not what Christmas is about. Christmas has become to comercial in my opinion. If there are no gifts for me under the Christmas Tree or in that stocking I really do not care because I already have my gifts. They are faar more valuable than Gold ,Frankicnese, or Myrhh. My gifts are my family, my friends ,the fact that I am loved and the fact that I am alive another day.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

It takes all kinds

It was a dark and stormy night...
No thiis is not the begining of some cheap story this is acual events that happened during the Northeastern Ida when it hit Norfolk and some of its aftermath. Some stores like Wal-Mart, Target and other big name stores acually remained open. Who did they think was going to brave 45 to 60 mph wind gusts pouring rain so hard bodies of water in our area was 3 to 5 feet above normal. I can just picture that conversation (Pa I'm just going down to Wal Mart. They have a sale on Guitar Hero video games."
Then of course there are places like Target that looks like they lost a door because of the storm that stayed open. I'm sorry but when a door as big as the ones they have on target is ripped off the building that's like somebody of a high power saying "Close the store you idiot! "
Of course there were some closings which did not really need be said like William and Mary's perforrmance of Little Shop of Horrors has been cancelled for this evening. Would that be because of the NorthEastern Ida? I mean come on. I can just see the conversation at the box office where they take tickets " What do you mean tonights show has been cancelled!? I want my money baaaaaaaaaaaaaack" the person says while Ida blows him a block away.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Star Wars in Concert

Star Wars In Concert is so magical any other discription would be an understatement! Picture this if you can A huge area where you probably go to see Ringling Bros. Barnum ans Bailey Circus when it comes to town. Over the loudspeakers when you are getting to your seats you hear sounds from all six movies like Wookie growls or Vaders Breath so close you look over your shoulder just to make sure it your wife and not the Lord of the Sith standing behind or beside you. You buy a program for the show on your way to your seats maybe some other memorbilia like a lightsaber key chain or poster. After you find your seats (my wife and I were lucky enough to be in the second row from the stage) you notice people of all ages dressed as STAR WARS charachters. Then as the lights dim the famous A long time ago in a galaxy far far away appears and then to the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra live on stage we see and hear the familiar Main theme . The ground acually shook beneath our feet not like a earthquake but oh how magical it was. Then as the main theme ended steam came up from the stage and over the loud speaker Darth Vader introduced Anthony Daniels in a unique way and then there he was standing next to Dirk Bosse the conductor and as the man that played the golden droid from day 1 spoke ,from the lips of this well dressed Englishman came the voice of C3PO and  it was truly magical. I will not say anymore except that after the show were rare photo ops against backdrops from different movies and people dressed as Sandpeople, Jawas,Stormtroopers,Bobafett and Emporer Palpatines Royal Guard along with the original props from all movies including the carbonite slab that encased poor Han Solo.