Sunday, November 29, 2009

Black Friday

For those of you that do not know Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving. For the longest time I thought it was something to due with religon. Anyway it is known as Black Friday because the day after Thanksgiving is when all the Christmas Specials start here in the USA. Stores open earlier than usual and stay open later than usual . Well I myself never witnessed first hand when the stores open their doors but I have seen videos of that "event" and it is not a pretty sight. In fact last year a person was trampled to death at a WalMart because of all the chaos.  I enjoy getting and giveing gifts at Christmas just as much as the next person. However that is not what Christmas is about. Christmas has become to comercial in my opinion. If there are no gifts for me under the Christmas Tree or in that stocking I really do not care because I already have my gifts. They are faar more valuable than Gold ,Frankicnese, or Myrhh. My gifts are my family, my friends ,the fact that I am loved and the fact that I am alive another day.

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